blog for blog's sake
Sleepless in bed, tossing and turning happens with certain amount of practice and precision:
phase one- acclimatization, lying on back and getting used to "horizontality"
phase two- quite fed up of ceiling fan and light from window; turn sideways onto left shoulder
phase three- left shoulder starts to revolt; onto tummy with right cheek on pillow, right arm like fetus position with palm near face and right knee raised as though running in sleep
phase four- (due to stiffness/pain in the neck) left side takes on the duty of the right....
Fingers start twirling the edge of the blanket creating a cotton hurricane.. A whirlpool or one of those void-like passage-ways to dimension-x..
Finger starts twirling hair as brain relays images of all the curly-haired creatures that have flashed by.. they start flashing..
Fingers start ---CENSORED---
Groggily facing wash basin mirror, specked with toothpaste-foam sprays from the past days. rinse mouth and start cleaning tongue with old brush kept aside for the purpose. dizzying waves of tingling permeate from tongue, inwards, like weird scene from matrix when mercury-like mirror consumes anderson/neo. stomach churning. skies fill with clouds like devil has possessed (eyes turn mighty red).
left hand shoots to lower back and begins scratching vigorously... taken over by archetypical reflex the same that probably causes ticklish dogs to scratch their sides/the ground/the ticklers' hands.
goosepimples, hard nipples and watery eyes. no longer groggy. alive. more alive than ever after during the rest of the day.
Loner in a crowd. hands start to thump beats on thigh, or starts mouthing words to most pop-ish song on random access memory.
(Now that i'v mentioned em, they'l never happen as they once did. i'll stop the twirling from guiding me to sleep, etc.. sacrifice of the blogger to PRICED reader.)
From bacteria to fish to amphibian to terrestrial to ape to ..... blogger! ..doing theatre, studying literature, riding bike, satisfying sense of well being with occasional take-a-look-around phases or by harmlessly pondering solutions to hunger and poverty in the world, even indulging in occasional charity with no considerable damage to contents of wallet; playing and appreciating music; talking, ETC...
Occasional take overs of the past.
I was walking from my classroom towards the lunch hall in school one day. i was a little late so i was pretty much the only one outside lunch. "silence" was being observed in the hall. i waited outside so i wouldnt be spotted walking in 'insensitively'. i looked at a tree -dont remember of what sort- and got carried away.
"for a minute there i lost myself". i think i forgot it was a 'tree' that i was looking at. i think i forgot that there were 'people' close by. i think i forgot that i was 'standing' on my 'feet' and 'moving' my 'hands'.
I think i pretty soon forgot that i had 'forgotten' even.
Thats what i think happened.
Gestalt patterns of stimulation?
dude, that was very nice, very poetic! actually come to think of it, it should be a poem!
i know the bed feeling tho, and feeling like the whole world is contained in your room, and the outside world is just some sort of illusion.. i used to feel that all the time! thats college life for you, when you have the time to just be by yourself, and wallow in your depressed solitude.
yes thats right, wierd as it seems, i do miss that sometimes.
wow.... fact i didnt know exactly what i was driving home ... jus a post to fill it was
the bed feeling is crazy... especilly the damn streetlight which'll make its way through any damn curtain! as for the ahem curly haired creatures well... i can sympathise(genders reversed) how do they do it huh? at the most unlikely moments?? and only when you're really uncomfortable in bed.
o and yes... the morning back scratch... though for me its more of a neck rub cos i would've eventuallt fallen asleep in the most uncomfortable position with some 50 pillows all around me!
fo pillows?!?! queen geets, its so nice of you to comment on my post...
the strt laights....ohhh....nuts!! specially when i'v slept in the aftnoon and i cant fall asleep too easy...
did u ever hear yerself snore? i have!!! seriously
o yes... sleeping in the afternoon... i fall asleep in mins when my head hits the pillow in the afternoons... but after that the hell i have in the nights... and the next afternoon again, sleep like a baby! and yes... 4 pillows... one fot the head, one for my leg, one to hug and one to cover my face wid! (thats to keep the street light out of my face!)
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